So the last few weeks have sped by and have brought about a weird sense of change. After graduating I've been quite anxious about entering into the working world and actually starting a career. I've also had to adjust to being back home and not being able to just spontaneously go see friends or go for post work drinks (the last time I did I spent £50 on a cab home). Yet, I feel like some of the lessons I learnt during my time in university have actually come in handy.

I've always had this little (super embarrassing) personal goal set since secondary school, which I said I would achieve by the age of 25 (so I have just over 4 years left to achieve it). It's not a strict target but it is something I wouldn't like to fail, so coming out of university and actually having the ability to hit it is a bit daunting. Yet, I've found myself in the same position I was in when I was taking my last set of exams; I'm normally quite an easy going person, but during exam times I entered some strange horror film survival mode. Rather than complaining, or talking to friends about how screwed we were, I decided to take things into my own hands and not 'go with the flow'. I told myself I had no choice but to do well, and it actually paid off. So going into a graduate scheme I've started to tell myself the same thing. 
There's no point wasting energy worrying or complaining, when that energy could be used to get things sorted.

So I'm writing this after seeing the #UniAdvice thread on Twitter, and kind of wished I had this attitude during my whole academic life. I've always done well, but could have done a little bit better if I didn't leave things too late, or just decide that 'whatever happens, happens'. I definitely understand how anxiety can act as a crippling deterring factor in these situations, where you don't want to look like you're trying just in case you might fail; but to be honest, not putting in effort is the worst way you can set yourself up for failure. 
I think coming from a background where you're one in a few who are expected to succeed adds a lot of pressure, but seeing it as people believing in your capabilities hopefully reduces the stress.
On a less serious note, in this OOTD I'm wearing House of Holland, Topman, French Connection and H&M :). Check my instagram out to - andredevb

Song of the Week: "Gemini Feed" by BANKS
Item of the Week: Moschino Fresh
Place of the Week: Aqua Kyoto 

Peace and Blessings (and more post soon haha)

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